First ETSI ISG ZSM PoC#2 report

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The first report of ETSI ISG ZSM PoC#2 is available at the ZSM wiki. The report incorporates substantial contributions from 5G-VINNI.
The ZSM ISG PoC#2, entitled “Automated network slice scaling in multi-site environments”, has the aim of demonstrating the capacity to automatically scale out a deployed network slice instance across multiple administrative domains. This will be achieved using the 5G assets of 5G-VINNI, which is large-scale, end-to-end facility composed of distributed sites, each deployed at a different geographic location and defining a single administrative domain. The management and orchestration capabilities of individual facility sites, and the enablers allowing for the interworking across them, are aligned with ZSM architectural design principles.
The present document constitutes the first PoC#2 report. Its mission is to provide an overall description of the PoC, including in-scope use case and the related user story. The pre-/post-conditions and workflow detailed in the PoC user story will define the acceptance criteria to be used for PoC execution.
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